Today's isn't up yet:
However, this morning (the 1st of November) the Reverend Dee Luded (I think his name was Joe something) came up with an interesting theory about population. From what I heard he seemed to suggest that population growth was ok, because there was enough food to go round, we just need to learn to distribute it better. Which is nice to know, because all the evidence I have seen points to the absolute opposite. But hey! This man is on Radio 4, in an unoppossed, un-debated slot, so it must be true..he must be the world highest authority on such things as normally even Evolutionary scientists have their work questioned and debated in the name of "balance". So,yes definately true that one!
He then went on to say that as Jesus was "Born" along with some other good people, we need to keep having babies as we never know which baby will be the one that solves all our problems (he stopped short of saying Saviour). I didn't realise that was what we were waiting for. I had in my mind that actually we need to manage population, but it's obvious when you think about it, clearly we need to keep having babies in case the next one is the second comming, or invents a way of us colonising Mars, or the never ending pint of beer, or a way to stop X Factor and Strictly from ruining Saturday evenings.. If only I had seen it so clearly.
To be honest, I need to listen to it again, to make sure I really heard that, it's still a bit much to take in, but in short, we can all keep having babies, it's not a problem any more and we just need to ferry food about a bit better.
Brilliant! Listen to the Rev, he knows best. What with all his relavent qualifications and clearly well researched work on thte matter.